Ranged combat is resolved in a manner similar to melee combat. However, the target does not use its Defence score to modify the character's hit roll. Instead, the character's hit roll is adjusted by circumstantial modifiers:
Target is... | Adjustment to hit roll |
...at short range | no adjustment |
...at medium range | +3 |
...at long range | +7 |
...small or crouching | +2 |
...moving slowly | +2 |
...moving quickly | +4 |
...in poor light | +3 (or more at GM's discretion) |
d20 + Modifiers ≤ Attack = HIT!
- A hit roll of 1 is still a Critical Hit, automatically hitting and bypassing armour, regardless of the modifiers applied to Attack.
- Ranged attacks must bypass armour, just like melee attacks.
- Shields may not be used against ranged attacks.
Sir Balin has spotted a goblin creeping slowly through the low scrub of the moon-lit moor and wants to shoot him with his bow.
The goblin is at medium range (+3), small (+2), moving slowly (+2), and in poor light (+3), for a total modifier to Sir Balin's hit roll of +10!
Sir Balin has an Attack of 14, so Sir Balin's player needs to roll a 4 or less on a twenty-sided die (d20) to hit the goblin - a very difficult shot!