Hit rolls are made with a twenty-sided die (d20). Add your opponent's Defence score to the result and, if the total is less than or equal to your Attack score, you have hit!
d20 + Opponent's Defence ≤ Attack = HIT!
- Players might not know the Defence score of their target. In this case, subtract the result of the d20 hit roll from your character's Attack score and tell the GM the result. The GM will let you know if you hit.
Critical Hits
If you roll a 1 on the d20, this is considered a Critical Hit, which hits regardless of your opponent's Defence score and also bypasses their armour.
Sir Balin, a first rank knight with an Attack of 14 (he's very strong), is attacking an orc with a Defence score of 5.
To hit the orc, Sir Balin's player must roll 9 or less on a d20: 5, the Orc's Defence, plus 9 would equal 14, Sir Balin's Attack - any roll higher than 9 would push the result over Sir Balin's Attack, a miss.